Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #2
I’m finally at the starting point. I finally started to get good enough at writing to move forward with the website. So today I met with RJ to get the blog back up. If your reading this than you know the meeting was a success.
Yesterday I met with RJ and worked on the blog. After I left him I expected to just go home and study for a job interview in the morning. Unfortunately when I got home I couldn’t find my social security card, the manager asked me to bring into the store. I knew this was going to be a problem, so I stayed up trying to find the card. I figured it was in my storage container. The storage place didn’t open till 6 AM. So I woke up early and made it as soon as they were opening. Unfortunately I still couldn’t find my social security card, even though I thoroughly searched both my house and the storage unit. From 6 AM to noon I was searching with out any success.
Now was time to leave for this interview and I still didn’t have my social security card. I guess my only option was to tell the manger in person. Thankfully everything went well in the interview. I met the manager, he was incredibly nice but he still needed my social security card to hire me. So I told him I would search for the card. from 1 PM – 7 PM I continued to search, every possible corner, even my car was searched like a foresencis team.
Then I went back to the storage container and started taking out items. One by one, I stacked them in the hallway. After an hour or so of searching I found what I was looking for, a box with some books and my personal documents. It wasn’t easy but I was able to find my social security card. I let the manager know and then I started a celebratory booty dance.
After my excitement wore off, the reality that I had to put everything back into the storage container set in. I am also not the neatest person. So It wasn’t the easiest process, lifting everything back to where it needed to be. Just in order for me to be able to close the door.
That was the day. Hopefully Now I Can get this job and on with my life.
This is still Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe
*Editor note: Date Blog was actually penned was 11/29/15
*Editor note: Alot of work on the blog series to stack them, so this time we can reduce stop and start problem, additionally it is being released on specific dates. Also I am doing less corrections to keep more of Absolute Zero’s feeling and most importantly speed up time.
New Blog post being released Sunday and Wednesday(bonus Blogs can be released through week if metrics are met)
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Thanks, see Y’all in Space
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